- This is a great year of continued growth in all spheres of development: motor skills, language, social skills, and personality.
- At four years old, children are active talkers. Most four-year olds can tell you long stories about their day. They often get reality and make-believe mixed up. This is normal. It is not unusual for exaggerations and fiction to be told along with facts.
- Four-year olds like routines. Continue your bedtime routines.
- This is often called the "Little Caesar" stage. Four-year olds can be bossy and may try and act "big." This is normal. Remember that testing limits is normal. Continue to set limits and be consistent.
- Give your four-year old little chores. This helps them feel big and part of your family. It also helps develop a sense of responsibility.
- Limit TV, videos, and computer games to less than one and one-half hours per day. Encourage (safe and supervised) outdoor play.
- Read to your child daily. Help your child pick out letters and simple words. Notice letters and numbers in street signs, billboards, etc. Play rhyming games.
- Allow for down time. Don't over-schedule your child.
Next visit: when your child is five years old.