- Your baby will eat between two to five little meals a day.
- Toddlers like to feed themselves. Let them get messy!
- At this age, children are picky eaters and may often like to eat only the same five or six foods; however, continue to offer a variety of foods. Don't worry if children don't eat all food groups at every meal.
- Toddlers will likely eat one good meal each day, and all the food groups several times per week.
- You may introduce eggs at this age. The first few times your child tries eggs, offer egg whites and egg yolks separately.
- Avoid fruit juice. Offer your toddler whole milk and water.
- Now is the time to switch from formula to whole milk. As you make this change, you may notice that your child's stools will become harder or softer – this is normal and will typically adjust in one to two weeks.
- Start to wean your child from the bottle by introducing milk in a "sippy" cup. Don't let your child walk around with food, cups, or bottles. Eating and drinking should be done sitting down.
- Introduce regular family meal times.
- Start to brush your child's teeth. Use a small toothbrush with a very small dab of fluoride free tooth paste.
- Philadelphia water is fluoridated. If you live outside the city in an area without fluoridated water, you will need to give your baby a prescription fluoride. Your child's dose is 0.25 mg of fluoride a day. Do not give fluoride with milk or formula.
Next visit: when your child is fifteen months old.